Call for Workshops

GECCO workshops provide the possibility to commonly develop visions and exchange ideas in an informal setting, especially if focused on an emerging research field or interdisciplinary research area. In contrast to regular sessions, workshops can (and should) host interactive sessions (posters, discussions, demonstrations, etc.). Attendance at the workshops will be free to all GECCO attendees.

Workshop organisers are responsible for coordination and publicity. They collect and review papers, and provide a list of accepted papers and their authors, if applicable. If required, the GECCO organisers may provide additional support to the workshop organisers, such as publicity. Note that organisers, participants and presenters must register for the conference. Accepted workshop papers will be collected by Sheridan/ACM Press, and published in a companion volume to the conference proceedings.

Submission Process

Each workshop proposal should include:

  1. A half-page extended abstract (in plain text) that includes: the workshop title, the name and affiliation of the organiser(s), and a description of scope and content.
  2. Short bio of the organiser(s) (about half-page in plain text).
  3. Highly encouraged: A description of any interactive activity or demo planned within the workshop.
  4. A draft schedule of the workshop, including the estimated duration (1 to max 4 sessions) and type of sessions.
  5. If this workshop (or a similar event coordinated by the same organisers or a subset of them) has taken place in previous years, either at GECCO or at other events, then include URLs to the event pages.


Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the GECCO 2016 organising committee, based on GECCO attendees' likely interest, the breadth and the depth of the topic(s), and the expertise and credentials of the organiser(s).

Information and Submissions

Gisele Pappa and Markus Wagner, GECCO 2016 Workshops Chairs, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil and University of Adelaide, Australia
Email: glpappa (at), markus.wagner (at)