Call for Tutorials

Tutorials at GECCO 2016 will be presented by domain experts to cover current topics relevant to evolutionary computation researchers and practitioners. Each tutorial will be 110 minutes long. We encourage the inclusion of interactive activities and demos.

Tutorials will be free to all GECCO 2016 attendees. One instructor/presenter of each accepted tutorial will be able to register for GECCO at half the regular rate (there are no multiple discounts for each tutorial).

It is expected that all the instructors involved in a tutorial will attend the conference. Accepted tutorials' slide sets will be collected by Sheridan/ACM Press, and published as part of a companion volume to the conference proceedings in the ACM Digital library.

Submission Process

Each tutorial proposal should include:

  1. A half-page extended abstract (in plain text) that includes: the title of the tutorial, the name and affiliation of the instructor(s), and a description of the tutorial scope and content.
  2. Short bio of the instructor(s) (about half page in plain text).
  3. Highly encouraged: A description of any interactive activity or demo planned within the tutorial presentation.


Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the GECCO 2016 organising committee, based on the GECCO attendees' likely interest in them, the breadth and depth of the topic(s), and the expertise and credentials of the instructor(s).

Information and Submissions

Carlos Cotta, GECCO 2016 Tutorials Chair, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Email: ccottap (at)